****The CLE On-Demand Library is currently not approved for the 2024-25 accreditation year.****


Welcome to the LBA’s CLE On-Demand feature, which makes your quest for credit hours easier than ever! The following list of on-demand video opportunities are currently available for purchase and additional programs will be added frequently. Satisfy your required hours via self-study from the comfort of your own home or office.

These CLE offerings will be updated frequently so check back often! 

Kentucky CLE will need to be submitted online to www.kybar.org/page/CLE  with the activity number provided.

  • Enter only the six-digit number
  • Do not hit enter and wait for the system to locate the record. 

Please note that KBA transcripts reflect self-study hours as having occurred on JULY 1 of the current reporting year. 


Your On-Demand Library  

On-Demand ETHICS CLE with MESA CLE   

Number Title Credits

2022 Recent Developments in Professional Responsibility This seminar will focus on recent ABA formal opinions, Kentucky ethics opinions and other happenings, and other interesting ethics issues on the national landscape.

Ethics (2)

2022 What Clients Want from Outside Counsel - In Their Own Words Hear from a panel of in-house counsel what makes the relationship with outside counsel succeed or causes it to fail.

General (0.5)  /  Ethics (0.5)

A Primer on Veteran Legal Issues: Understanding VA Benefits Available to Veteran Clients This program is geared towards assisting attorneys from all areas of the law in gaining a basic understanding of the VA claims systems.

General (2)

A Process for Prevention: Is CARR a Workable Legal Solution for Protecting Kentuckians in Crisis? Learn more about the CARR legislation from a panel of experts.

General (0.75)

A View from the Bench: Civil Settlement Conferences and Proceedings in the Age of Zoom This program will discuss the first-hand experiences that federal magistrate judges have had in terms of general civil proceedings and settlement conferences in the new age of Zoom.

General (1)

AI, Ethics and Law: A Future of Light And Shadow, Or… This presentation will examine the impact of ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, and other developments in the digital world on the legal profession.

Ethics (1.5)

An Overview of Juvenile Proceedings in Juvenile Court and Circuit Court This seminar will provide an overview of juvenile proceedings to assist practitioners in navigating the juvenile court process, as well as discuss recent developments in juvenile law and options for youthful offenders in circuit court.

General (1)

Appeals: Start to Finish This is a segment from the 2018 Annual Nuts & Bolts of Family Law seminar.

General (0.75)

Avoiding Common Missteps in Appellate Brief Writing The presentation will identify common missteps made in brief writing and provide practical, easy-to-follow suggestions for how to avoid these missteps in the future.

General (1)

Boomers, Millennials, & Gen Z!: The Ethics of Marketing Across Generations This seminar will cover the ethical concerns regarding marketing across the generational divides.

Ethics (1.5)

Born to be Bearded:A Trans Attorney’s Perspective on Anti-Trans Legislation This program will cover social, medical and legal issues that confront transgender people with special emphasis on the recent rash of anti-trans legislation introduced in state legislatures across the country.

General (1)

Burned Out and Lit Up_ When Attorney Mental Health and Substance Abuse Impact their Ethical Duties Using Rules of Professional Conduct as a guide, the presenters will discuss the ethical dimensions of mental health and substance abuse challenges and offer practical advice for addressing these issues before they arise.

Ethics (1)

Cash, Coin, Cheddar, Dough - Ethical Issues with Money and Billing Lawyers make all kinds of mistakes when billing and dealing with client funds. Sometimes they are accidental, other times more nefarious.

Ethics (1)

Client Plus Social Media = Danger: How to Advise Clients, Manage Judicial... This course outlines how to properly advise your clients about the risks and liabilities when they use social media networks

Ethics (1.5)

Collaborative Practice: The Alternate Dispute Resolution of the Decade

Ethics (2)

Critical Race Theory: History, Central Tenets and Context Advancing an interdisciplinary approach to critique the law and its role in preserving and maintaining structural inequality, CRT focuses on analyzing several recurrent themes in the law.

General (1)

Cybersecurity & Ethical Pitfalls of Everyday Law Office Computing In this seminar, we will discuss the ethical and malpractice pitfalls of mobile, cloud, and general everyday law office computing.

Ethics (3)

Dealing with High Conflict Personalities This 3-hour training will start with the dynamics of five high conflict personality disorders which most frequently impact legal disputes, in and out of court: narcissistic, borderline, antisocial, histrionic, and paranoid.

General (3)

Disparate Law and Disparate Impact: Guns and Weed in KY When federal and interstate laws and regulations governing firearms and marijuana conflict, it’s vital to understand the impact on your case whether defense counsel or prosecution in the Commonwealth.

General (1)

Emerging Trends in the Landscape of Legal Malpractice & Ethics In this presentation, Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky will discuss some emerging and developing issues that should be keeping you up at night.

Ethics (1)
CLEVOD 2018Brightwell

Estate Planning is for Everyone: A Primer for Probate & Estate Law During this installment of "LBA Speaks" attorney Bruce Brightwell gives a primer for probate and estate law.

General (1)

Exit Planning Strategies for Small Business Owners The purpose of this one-hour seminar is to educate on several ways closely held business owners can either sell their interest to a co-owner or transfer the business to a family member during life or at death.

General (1)

Five Ways to a Profitable Practice In this powerful yet practical workshop, you will learn the five simplest ways to grow your practice profitably.

General (0.75)

How Law Firms Can Create a Culture that Attracts and Retains Top Talent During this program, law firm culture expert Jarrett Green will provide 10 tangible, measurable, and realistic actions any law firm can take to infuse well-being, emotional intelligence, and a sense of humanity...

General (1)

How Millennials Will Change Some Key Ethics Concepts In this ethics program, Stuart Teicher, “the CLE Performer” will provide a warning to all -- the changers and the changes.

Ethics (1)

Illumination of Bias Practical Strategies for Recognizing and Reducing Implicit Bias in the Practice of Law (or the Workplace)

General (1.5)

Immigration & the Biden Administration - An Update Join us for this CLE in the ever-changing area of immigration law.

General (0.75)

Immigration 101 – Removal Defense, SIJS, Working With Clients & More! This presentation will cover lawful and unlawful entry to the United States. It will focus primarily on the two most common removal defenses: Asylum and Cancellation of Removal.

General (1)

Just Mercy and Access to Justice This lively, interactive virtual webinar will provide practical takeaways and guidance for developing resilience that are applicable for lawyers in all kinds of practice areas and all types of cases.

General (2)

Kentucky Innocence Project – an Overview of Wrongful Conviction Work in Kentucky This program will introduce participants to wrongful conviction work and how cases and issues are developed through the KIP program.

General (1.5)

Lining Your Pockets — The Dangers Of Lawyer/Client Conflicts This CLE program explains how issues of loyalty and confidentiality could arise between lawyer and client.

Ethics (1)

Mediation Ethics for Lawyers as Advocates and Lawyers as Mediators

Ethics (2)

No More Eyes Wide Shut. Ethical Times Have Changed This seminar discusses recently issued ABA Opinion 491 which creates a responsibility to ask questions about our client’s bad deeds…and every lawyer needs to understand.


Nobody Told Me There’d Be Days Like These! Stress, Pressure, & Ethical Decision-Making

Ethics (2)

Passing the Torch...While Its Still Got Heat! How to Start Leveraging Your Legal Experience NOW for Maximum Value for the Days to Come

General (2)

Planning for the Inevitable This seminar presents tips and strategies for attorneys to prepare for the unplanned and unavoidable circumstances that can interrupt practice operations.

General (1)

Probate Pointers for Personal Injury Cases and Minor Settlements This joint program of the Probate and Estate and Litigation Sections will address practical pointers for handling settlement of personal injury and wrongful death matters involving deceased individuals or minors. The program speakers will cover all aspect

General (2)

Protesting Puts Lawyers in a Precarious Position This seminar evaluates the limits on lawyers’ free speech and the ethical implications of all sorts of criminal behavior.

Ethics (1)

Quarterly Appellate Case Law Update - January Attendees will gain knowledge regarding the most recent significant developments in Kentucky appellate case law and practical advice concerning how such developments may apply in their own practice.

General (1)

Quarterly Appellate Case Law Update - July 23 Attendees will gain knowledge regarding the most recent significant developments in Kentucky appellate case law and practical advice concerning how such developments may apply in their own practice.

General (1)

Retirement and Succession Planning for Solos and Small Firms This program will provide you with strategies to build your succession plan, successfully transition clients, and keep your standard of living throughout retirement.

General (0.75)

Seven Steps to Building Wealth as an Attorney This seminar will cover tax planning, debt management, investments, and retirement planning for young attorneys.

General (0.75)

Silencing Student Activists and Journalists: What the Law Says This seminar delves into the crucial topic of student speech and the rights of young activists and journalists.

General (1)

Succession Planning for Solos & Small Firms

General (0.75)

The Cybersecurity Attorney - Counsel's Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle Participants will learn how companies commonly implement their Systems Development Life Cycle and how to provide value to their organization in each step.

General (1)

The Ethics and Strategy Of HBO’s Succession Through the lens of this captivating series, Turman provides an entertaining way for attorneys to obtain ethics credit.

Ethics (1)

The Real Estate Essentials Don't just settle for knowing the basic real estate laws, come learn the essentials!

General (0.5)  /  Ethics (0.5)

The Top Five Ethical Violations Found in Malpractice Claims Kentucky professional responsibility rules covering client identity, the scope of representation, conflicts of interest, doing business with a client, and fee disputes...

Ethics (1)

Turning Up the Heat: Ethical Times Are Getting Tougher This seminar will will address on technology/competence and the emerging duty to look into the potential misdeeds of our employers/clients.

Ethics (1)

Understanding Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation This seminar is designed to help attorneys who work for or are a part of small and/or medium-sized businesses understand the numerous variations possible in the design and implementation of non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plans.

General (1)

Understanding Parental Alienation, Hostile-Aggressive Parenting, and ... This seminar will focus on the latest trends, treatment, and case law.

General (2)

Virtual Secrets - Civil Mediation Tips from Local Experts Learn best practices for mediators and practitioners in civil mediations.

General (1)

What Clients Want from Outside Counsel: In Their Own Words Join a panel of in-house counsel who regularly selects and manages outside counsel. Hear in their own words what makes the relationship succeed, or causes it to fail.

General (0.5)  /  Ethics (0.25)

What is the “Slate of Hate?” The General Assembly’s Recent Anti-LGBTQIA-Plus Enactments... This program will educate the legal community about the legislation, the intended and actual effects of the legislation and inherent enforcement problems.

General (1)

What Kanye West Can Teach Us About Litigation In this presentation, Texas litigator Brent Turman analyzes Kanye’s “greatest hits” in the courtroom and shares lessons other attorneys can learn from his experiences.

General (1)