LOUISVILLE - The Louisville Bar Association’s annual Back to School project is now accepting donations to support Jefferson County Public Schools. The project identifies local elementary schools with the highest percentage of students enrolled in free or reduced lunch programs to ensure that all donations reach students and families with the greatest need. This year, donations will be provided to Atkinson, Goldsmith, Gutermuth, Minors Lane and Rutherford elementary schools.
Individuals may donate crayons, notebooks, folders, pencils, markers, rulers, scissors or even cash to help an underprivileged elementary student start the school year off right. Just $35 provides a complete backpack stocked with a year’s worth of supplies. $25 provides all supplies. All donations are tax deductible and checks should be made payable to the Louisville Bar Center.
The 2014-15 JCPS school year starts August 13, but contributions may be dropped off at the LBA or scheduled for pickup through Friday, Aug. 15.
For additional information about the Back to School project, and to get involved, contact the LBA’s director of pro bono and public service, Kate Lindsay, at klindsay@loubar.org or (502) 583-5314.
About the Louisville Bar Association
The Louisville Bar Association is Kentucky’s oldest continuously operating bar association and is among the 40 largest local bars in the country with more than 3,000 members and subscribers. The association’s mission is to promote justice, professional excellence and respect for the law; improve public access to the judicial system; provide law-related services to the community; and serve its members.
For more information, contact the LBA at (502) 583-5314.